Delair Shaker | Works | All

Delair Shaker | Fluctuations of Nature | 2024 | steel | 180x180 cm | 468-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Facing the wind | 2024 | Mixed Media | Canvas | 120x120 cm | 467-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Sunsets over the ruts | 2024 | Mixed Media | 120x120 cm | 466-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Fractures of the journey | 2024 | Steel and Acrylic | 100x120 cm | 465-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Rays of a Land | 2024 | Mixed Media | Canvas | 90x90 cm | 464-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Eras Overlapping | 2022 | Steel and Acrylic | 100x104 cm | 463-DS35-2022
Delair Shaker | Human Trace | 2024 | Rust and mixed media | 180x160 cm | 462-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Targeted Destination | 2022 | Steel and Acrylic | 140x92 cm | 461-DS35-2022
Delair Shaker | Reflection of light | 2024 | Rust and mixed media | Canvas | 158x120 cm | 460-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Impact on C lay II | 2021 | Glazed earthenware | 33x33 cm | 459-DS35-2021
Delair Shaker | Remnants | 2024 | Steel on Sand | 270x160 cm | 458-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Intertwined Rust | 2024 | Mixed Media | Canvas | 152x180 cm | 457-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | My own world | 2020 | Glazed earthenware | 52x52 cm | 456-DS35-2020
Delair Shaker | Fluctuations of Nature | 2024 | steel | 180x180 cm | 468-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Facing the wind | 2024 | Mixed Media | Canvas | 120x120 cm | 467-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Sunsets over the ruts | 2024 | Mixed Media | 120x120 cm | 466-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Fractures of the journey | 2024 | Steel and Acrylic | 100x120 cm | 465-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Rays of a Land | 2024 | Mixed Media | Canvas | 90x90 cm | 464-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Eras Overlapping | 2022 | Steel and Acrylic | 100x104 cm | 463-DS35-2022
Delair Shaker | Human Trace | 2024 | Rust and mixed media | 180x160 cm | 462-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Targeted Destination | 2022 | Steel and Acrylic | 140x92 cm | 461-DS35-2022
Delair Shaker | Reflection of light | 2024 | Rust and mixed media | Canvas | 158x120 cm | 460-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Impact on C lay II | 2021 | Glazed earthenware | 33x33 cm | 459-DS35-2021
Delair Shaker | Remnants | 2024 | Steel on Sand | 270x160 cm | 458-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | Intertwined Rust | 2024 | Mixed Media | Canvas | 152x180 cm | 457-DS35-2024
Delair Shaker | My own world | 2020 | Glazed earthenware | 52x52 cm | 456-DS35-2020