George Raftopoulos | About

George Raftopoulos
Born 1972
Lives Works Sydney, Australia
1992-1994 BAVA University Western Sydney, Australia
1996-1997 Graduate Diploma, Painting, Sydney College of the Arts,
Sydney University, Australia


2024 LOGOS Hazelhurst Regional Arts Centre , Curated by Kon Gouriotis amd Senastian Goldspink.,
2024. Sydney Contemporary Art Fair in Association with Praxis Gallery Adelaide.
2024 ‘They walk amongst US’ Praxis Art Gallery Adelaide S.A
2023 Maunsell Wickes Paddington NSW Astralia in Association with Ceramicists Rina Bernabei and
Kelly Brown.
2022 Colonna Contemporary Phiadelphia USA.
2021 Alveston Fine art, London United Kingdom.
2021 Redd Gallery, Chania Greece.

2020 Broken Hill Regional Museum, Broken Hill, Australia.

2019 'SPIELEN' Gallerie Rompone, Cologne GERMANY.

2019 'Art on Paper Fair', New York  Phylogeny Contemporary, Seattle Washington USA.

2018 'Pulse' Miami Art Fair, Miami In association with Van Rensburg Galleries, Hong Kong.

2018 Finalist Archibald,Wynne and Sulman Prizes, Art Gallery NSW Australia, May-September 

2018 'Angry Boys' In association with Galerie Rompone Cologne Germany exhibition February 2018
Thisted Museum Denmark.

2018 Northern Centre for Contemporary Art, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

2017 'Fresh AF' , TW fine art Brisbane Australia. November 2017.

2017 Finalist Fishers Ghost Art prize, Campbeltown Regional Gallery Campbeltown.

2017 Finalist  Mosman Art prize, Mosman Art Gallery, Australia.

2017 "Salon Des Refuses" Alternative exhibition, Archibald and Wynne Prize, SH Ervin Gallery
Exhibition July-October 2017

2017 "DeKonstruKt' Anna Pappas Gallery Melbourne Victoria, Australia June 2017.

2017 "Angry BOYS" Gallery ROMPONE Cologne GERMANY June 2017.

2017 Athens Art fair, Athens Greece , Anna Pappas Gallery Melbourne, May 2017.

2016 "Planting the SEEDS'  TED X shift, Northern Institute, Sydney Australia.

2016  "The TRANSPORTED", Nishi Gallery, New Acton, Canberra, ACT 9-29 May.

2015 'MYTHIC Nation, Artereal Gallery Sydney Australia.

2015 'Retrospecta', Greek Embassy, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
2014 'I Could've been a Jockey' - BEGA Regional, Gallery, BEGA NSW, Australia
2014 'BEAUX MONDE' Mclemoi Gallery, Sydney Australia.
2014 Hellenic Museum, Melbourne, Australia

2013 Hillsmith Gallery, Adelaide S.A
2012 Mclemoi Gallery, Sydney, Australia
2010 Tim Olsen Gallery Sydney, Australia
2010 Hillsmith Gallery Adelaide, S.A

2008 Tim Olsen Gallery Sydney, Australia

2008 Annual round table Exhibition New York Arts Club Grammercy Arts Club, New York USA.

2007 Axia Modern Art Gallery, Victoria
2007 Hillsmith Gallery, Adelaide S.A
2006 Tim Olsen Gallery, Sydney
2006 The Cat Street Gallery, Hong Kong
2006 Art Galleries Schubert, Queensland
2005 Axia Modern Art, Sydney
2005 Axia Modern Art, Mebourne 

2004 Axia Modern Art, Sydney

2004 Axia Modern Art, Melbourne

2004 Gallery Philip Neville, Darwin NT
2008 Amanda Gillespie, New York, USA
2004 Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai China, With Australian Art Resources, Melbourne Australia
2003 Axia Modern Art, Melbourne
2003 Bark Modern Art, Hong Kong

2002 Axia Modern Art, Melbourne

2001 'Liquid', Michael Carr Art Dealer, Sydney

2001 Paris Print Biennial, Australian High Commission, Paris,France
2000 Bilbao', Michael Carr Art Dealer, Sydney

1999 Volvo Gallery, Sydney
1998 Olsen Carr Art Dealers, Sydney
1997 Varga Gallery Bourdeaux, France
1996 Olsen Carr Art Dealers, Sydney


New England Regional Gallery, NERAM Armadale NSW Australia gift of Stephen Hesketh.
Bega Valley Regional Gallery Bega NSW Australia
Hellenic Museum, Melbourne Victoria, Australia
Gold Coast City Art Gallery/Museum, Queensland Australia
University of Western Sydney, Nepean NSW Australia
Molongolo Group. Canberra ACT, Australia
ABN AMRO Sydney Australia
Multiplex and Walker Corporation Australia
( INVESTA-Westpac) Property Fund Australia
Westpoint Corporation Australia
Novell Sydney Australia
NDC Global Australia
Hugos Lounge Sydney Australia
Landmine Survivors Network Washington DC USA
Pitcher Parteners Melbourne Australia
Credit Suisse Australia